What is FibroScan?
FibroScan is a test utilized by the GI specialists at University Gastroenterology to noninvasively inspect the liver. Also known as transient elastography, the elastography technology uses specialized ultrasound technology to measure the occurrence of fibrosis and hepatic steatosis within the liver. Fibrosis happens when the liver exchanges healthy tissue with scar tissue in an attempt to heal itself from separate conditions. Hepatic steatosis, also called fatty liver disease, appears when fat accumulates inside the liver cells.
Using FibroScan, your Providence, RI GI doctors can measure the condition and function of your liver, and make a diagnosis and treatment plan without intrusively entering the body to explore the liver. If you have a liver ailment, reach out to a University Gastroenterology to learn if you may benefit from FibroScan ultrasound technology.

Who is a candidate for FibroScan?
FibroScan analysis could be favored for clients who have early to progressive liver illness or other conditions. These may encompass:
- Cirrhosis of the liver (severe scarring)
- Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)
- Different types of CLD (chronic liver disease)
- Particular types of hepatitis
- Dysmetabolic syndrome
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
- Alcoholic FLD
- Hemochromatosis
How is FibroScan performed?
A FibroScan test in Providence, RI is mostly a convenient technique that is completed within 10 – 15 minutes. A sensor will be situated on your skin right next to your liver. This specific sensor passes acoustic sound waves through your liver to evaluate the speed at which sound travels through the organ. The FibroScan ultrasound machine then makes a sequence of results that your University Gastroenterology GI doctors will put to good use to categorize the amount of scarring (fibrosis) represented within your hepatic system (liver).
How do you understand and interpret FibroScan results?
FibroScan findings in Providence, RI are provided based on steatosis grade and fibrosis score. The following charts include approximate information relating to what the outcome of the scan could indicate. You may review your results in specifics with your University Gastroenterology GI physician after your FibroScan test.
Steatosis grade: The fatty change result characterizes the level of steatosis in the liver and is provided by means of a controlled attenuation parameter (CAP) score, which is evaluated in decibels per meter (dB/m). The range is from 100 to 400 decibels per meter, and different ranges contributes to a various fatty liver grade.
Fibrosis score: The fibrosis outcome is a valuation of the hardening of the liver and represents the degree of scarring that the liver has experienced. Your GI physician will utilize your FibroScan findings composed with your medical history to determine your fibrosis score. Various liver conditions and conditions can change the fibrosis score.
- F0 to F1: No scarring/light scarring
- F2: Moderate scarring
- F3: Severe scarring
- F4: Advanced scarring (cirrhosis)
What are the benefits of FibroScan?
Because FibroScan uses ultrasound technology, there is minor to no risk linked with the procedure. FibroScan is a noninvasive imaging technique and consequently is more often than not enjoyable. It allows for a broader evaluation of the full liver rather than looking into barely an insignificant fragment that takes place in a liver biopsy. Moreover, no sedation is needed for the procedure, it is relatively low cost, briskly accomplished, and the results are swift.
FibroScan® FAQs
Is there any necessary prepare for the FibroScan exam?
You should not eat or drink anything three hours before your FibroScan test aside from prescribed medications. Our doctors advise you to wear loose clothing so we can access the right side of your ribcage easier. Your GI doctor will review the required prep details with you before your exam in order to make sure you know what to expect from a FibroScan test.
What liver concerns can FibroScan identify?
A FibroScan can detect and observe the growth of a number of liver diseases, including:
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
- Alcoholic liver disease
- Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
- Hepatitis B or C
- Hemochromatosis
Is there a difference between an ultrasound and the FibroScan?
FibroScan is a form of ultrasound and uses the same technology a standard ultrasound uses, known as transient elastography. And while the two are similar, FibroScan was created to detect liver stiffness and is more accurate in finding issues in the liver than an ultrasound.
Is FibroScan more advanced than a liver biopsy?
The FibroScan is an excellent nonsurgical alternative to the liver biopsy. However, there are some certain circumstances when a biopsy of the liver would be preferred. This could be the case for a person who has a pacemaker or defibrillator, is pregnant, or has fluid in the abdomen. It’s also been discovered that results are somewhat less reliable in people who are considered obese. If you fit any of these circumstances, our University Gastroenterology providers will closely work alongside you to help decide if FibroScan or a liver biopsy is the right option for you.